Archive for September, 2010

Fight Gone Bad V 9/25/10

Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
3. Box Jump: 20″ box (Reps)
4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
5. Row: calories (Calories)

I finished with 264.  I think this was the first time I did this WOD…..I actually really like, unfortunately I had to walk up the boxes using my right leg only because of my bum knee…..everything else was Rx…Good Times!!!

09/23/2010 PCF

Finally made it back to the box!!!!!  I finally feel like my old self, minus my bum knee….SEE running will kill you!!!

Deadlift:  245-255-260 (PR by 20#)

3 Rounds: 7:52
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
10 KB Swing (2 pood/1.5 pood)
10 Pull ups (2red bands)

If I didn’t have the pressure of needing to be below 8minutes, I’d of like to try this all Rx…..with time I’ll have the pull up reps pulled together!

09/12/2010 Nation’s Triathlon (Olympic)

So today started off waking up late…rushing to not miss the last shuttle….and then to have the shuttle not know where he was going after they shut down roads for the race and we had 15mins before transition closed so he just dropped us off somewhere on Constitution and we all ran…lol….luckily there was a delay to the start so we had a bit more time in transition before we were kicked out…OH YEAH…and it was raining since 2 or 3am and didn’t STOP until after we were biking!!!!

But I had a great race….even though I thought the whole thing was a sign not to do it….lol


Swim: 29.52 (1.5K)  I probably should of swam harder, because I had a lot left in me the last 300m…but it was more of a struggle to get around people and not get knocked out with the multiple blows to the my head I received!

Transition 1:  6:43…had trouble getting my wetsuit off and everything was soaked even though I tried to cover things with plastic….so transition was REALLY slow 🙂  I was in no rush though 🙂

Bike:  1:32:09 (40K) I was TERRIFIED to ride my bike in the rain since I never did….but looking at my time compared to the Sprint in June I was going at a faster pace?  But it was a 70degree day and not 90degrees…but it was double the distance so I’m still proud….on the downhil where I usually take full advantage of, to get back up the hill afterwards…..I slowed down because I was sooooooo scared of crashing…still not sure how I went faster since it was a bit hilly at times…so it was well for me

Transition 2:  4:58  a little faster…lol

Run: 1:08:29   (10K) I RAN THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This was the first attempt at ever running a 10K and I made it and at a decent pace for me!!!  so proud of this!!!!  🙂  🙂  🙂

Well I made it through the race without difficulty and probably could of went out stronger if I knew what I was getting myself into…..good times…

Got to love not endurance training and using CROSSFIT!!!!

by the way….in Feburary I couldn’t even run for more than 2minutes!!!!  Yay Me!!!  I still have a long way to go…but DEFINITELY on the right track!!!

09/07/2010 Training

5×3 moderate to heavy deadlifts (keep the same weight the entire time), then 3×5 at a moderate to heavy weight. Record weights below. NO CrosSFIT as in no MetCon

3×5 – 195

5×3 – 225

09/06/2010 Training

Front Squat:  165

2000m Row:  8:06

This was my first attempt at the front squat….what hurts most about doing them are my wrists….I’m still holding the weight with my arms instead of my shoulders….

The row was definitely a PR for me today….Really wish I went under 8mins though!!!!

09/03/2010 Training

CrossFit:   11:58
150 walking lunges (100)
800 Run
100 Squats (75)

09/01/2010 Training


Run 3000m

Bench 120-130(PR)x3….135×2 (PR)
3000m Row: 11:08  (my 2000m was 8:44…..not sure if the 11:08 is the right compared to the 2000?)